How to use IchigoLink (ver. or highter)

日本語 | English

Download IchigoLink


1. Start the command prompt.
2. Look for the name of the serial port.
Check the result of the next command before and after connecting the serial module to the PC.

> mode

The serial port name is written in "Device status" which is increasing after connecting serial modules.
Please make a note of this name.

Before connecting serial modules :

After connecting serial modules :

3. Run IchigoLink.
With the serial module connected to the PC,
at the command prompt, move to the directory of IchigoLink.
Start IchigoLink with the following command.
In the [Serial port] section, please enter the name of the serial port you noted earlier.

> ichigo-link.exe [Serial port]

IchigoLink startup is completed when a display like image appears.


1. Start the terminal.
2. Look for the name of the serial port.
Check the result of the next command before and after connecting the serial module to the PC.

$ ls /dev/tty.*

The serial port name is increasing after connecting serial modules.
I will make a note of this name.
Before connecting serial modules :

After connecting serial modules :

3. Run IchigoLink
While connecting the serial module to the personal computer, At the terminal, go to the directory of IchigoLink.
Start IchigoLink with the following command.
In the [Serial port] section, please enter the name of the serial port you noted earlier.

$ ./ichigo-link [Serial port]

IchigoLink startup is completed when a display like image appears.

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